Home General Unhappy with your insurer? … Switch ASAP

Unhappy with your insurer? … Switch ASAP


The needs to switch car insurance company or policy have been problems of many car owners who are not satisfied with services they received from these car insurance companies. Most of the problems car owners highlighted was the key reasons why they switch car insurance company were ranked below:

· Negligence on part of car insurance company when car owners want to make a claim in cases of accident.

· High premium fee

. Poor customer services

This article tends to help car owners as a guide in switching car insurance policy if they are not satisfied with the services provided by their car insurance company. Most of the time, car insurance policy does not include this section.

This is because most of the insurance company always want to retain people who insure with them but this article will play a vital role in helping you have cheapest car insurance cover you want at an affordable price. While switching car insurance company, always have this question on your mind:

“Am I going to get the right auto insurance cover that I need at the best possible market rate”.

It is the aim of this article to:

· Educate you on what you need before you switch car insurance company

· Factors to consider before switching insurance company

. How to switch car insurance company.

Once you read this article, for sure you will switch to better car insurance company that provides you with the right cover at an affordable price.

Car Insurance Settlement Letter

Automobile insurance claims letter can be designed in various ways depending on your car insurance coverage. It is possible to create car insurance statements notice by utilizing the professional services of the legal professional or lawyer or attorney for a fee, employing the web sites or doing it by yourself through the help of the library. This is the point of this post to teach you crafting vehicle insurance claims letter all from yourself.

Before starting writing this article, you should always keep in mind that in every motor vehicle accident, you should display these to be thought to be a real auto insurance automobile accident.

· That the other driver was the cause or was the key reason why the car accident occurred

· That you have suffered severe injury and loss as a result of the car accident

· The serious nature of the injury and loss and finally

· You are writing to lay claims based on these.

The above four key factors have to be reasonably certain to convince your car insurance company and you have to demonstrate them in car insurance claim letter. We are going to classify the writing process in stages.

Having Sufficient Documents About the Car Accident.

The documents include the following;

1. Police Reports

2. State of your car before accident

3. Photograph of your car after accident and damages done

4. Pictures of the scene of the car accident

5. Pictures of injuries you and your passengers sustained during the auto accident

6. Eye witness report

7. Your medical report

8. All medical bills associated with the car accident

9. Documents revealing that you have not work for the period you had car accident, lost salaries and wages

Other cost you encounter which may include but not limited to flight and hotel prepaid cancelled, toying cost, armed robber attack and properties stolen during the cause of the auto accident just to mention few.

Once you have these references or supporting documents, you are now ready to make an auto insurance claim according to the process.