Home Health Know about the technological benefits and the use of MRI scans-

Know about the technological benefits and the use of MRI scans-


The process of disease detection throughout our body which was a very complex task for the doctors in earlier times which has now become very easy due to the advancement of technology and science. Now we have the radiologists that are well-versed with the detection of diseases along with the help of machines that are really a boon to our society. Now we have many machines from X-rays to CT scanners and even the MRI scanners that are a great assistance to detect the disease and even check the results of medications so used for treating the disease.

All these machines help in diagnosing the minute problems in our body where one can get the analysis done from the best mri in Mumbai.

Know more about magnetic resonance imaging-

An MRI or magnetic resonance imaging is a scan that uses magnetism, radio waves, and a computer to produce images of body structures. It is a radiology technique in which the machine is like a tube that is surrounded by a giant circular magnet. It has a movable bed where the patient is placed that is inserted into the magnet. This magnet so present in the machine creates a strong magnetic field which brings the protons of hydrogen atoms, which are later exposed to a beam of radio waves. When the machine starts spinning the different protons of the body produce a faint signal which is detected by the receiver portion i.e. the screen of the computer of the MRI scanner. This computer processes the receiver information and later produces an image for the radiologist to analyze. These scans are really painless and do not produce any harmful radiations as in the case of an X-ray.

Technological benefits of conducting an MRI scan for the doctors-

  • The imaging modalities so received by an MRI scanner on the screen for the radiologist are quite different from other imaging modalities by the other scanning technologies. Such results can characterize and discriminate fairly among the tissues using the biochemical and physical properties. These may include a proper reading of water, iron, fat, and other extravascular blood vessals and its break down for further detailed analysis.
  • The blood flow, cerebrospinal fluid flow in the body, the movement i.e. the contraction and relaxation of body organs, pathologic, can be evaluated.
  • The calcium so present in our body emits no signal on spinning when the body is in MRI machine during echo images, the tissues surrounded by bone, such as the posterior fossa and the spine, they can also be easily be imaged through this scan.
  • The MRI scan results produce many sectional images of the same resolution for detailed results and analysis in any projection without moving the patient. This ability to obtain images using the multiple planes increases its versatility and diagnostic utility of the test.
  • The MRI scans also offers special advantages at times for radiation or surgical treatment planning.

On the other hand, the multiple resonance imaging technology results can be programmed to encode various physiological phenomena like that of moving tissue or blood in the body, useful in detecting a stroke, etc. When compared with an X-ray these scans are said to have specific advantage where they have the ability to show swelling and inflammation, and also three dimensional and cross-sectional images of the body. The website https://www.hospitalroad.com/ will help you to get all information about an MRI scan including the uses, benefits, risks, and so on.

Whenever the patients test fails to diagnose the disease or sufficient information to confirm any particular disease- MRI scans are used.

Uses of MRI scan-

  • MRI scan in trauma or head injury- The most accurate method of detecting diseases or trauma in the head can be done with the help of an MRI scan. The specialist mri hospital Mumbai can easily detect any swelling or bleeding in the head. Not only this, the MRI scans are fruitful in diagnosing the brain tumors, stroke and other inflammation in any part of the head.

  • MRI scan in Cardiology- Our heart is a very delicate organ needs proper care and support whenever conducting any test on it. The MRI machines are said to be the best used for evaluation of the structure of the aorta and heart. This entire scan can help in detection of ay tears or aneurysms.
  • MRI scan in Neurology- The purpose of MRI scan can also be seen in proper studying of brain anatomy and also assessing the integrity of the spinal cord due to some injury. The vertebrae and an intervertebral disc of the spine can also be monitored on the screen to study any defect or injury.
  • MRI scan in scanning body organs- The organs and glands present in the lower abdomen can also be scanned giving the accurate information about the tissues, bones of the body and other improper functioning of joints. Through MRI scan and the images so released, the doctors can make out whether a proper surgery can remove the defect or the surgery can be performed or not.

The patients so asked for the scan are required to prepare for the same. All the metallic objects are removed from the body before the starting of the scan. Sometimes a very mild sedative is also given to certain patients that are claustrophobic, which helps them to relax during the process of the scan. In order to see that the accuracy of the scan is not harmed the patients are advised to stay still as any small movement of the body can hit the results accuracy.

Now the scanning machines are being advanced where they are being made portable enough to ease the patients for detecting the tumors and other infections of the soft tissues. Once the final interpretation is released on the screen of the radiologists, they make further analysis of the report. Finally, the report can be made available to the patient that can be shared with the reporting doctor. Hence, later the reporting doctor discusses the issue with the patient and their family. The MRI scans are worth in order to keep a check on the results and diagnosis of accurate disease starting in the body.