Home Pets 8 Things You Need to Know About Your New Pup

8 Things You Need to Know About Your New Pup

New Pup

There are some irrevocable truths about puppies that everyone knows. Of these include the fact that they are adorable and that they are a lot of work.

If you want a puppy because of the former but are unwilling to handle the latter, then you should probably reassess your desire.

Owning a pet is a huge responsibility that should not be taken lightly. What may seem like a fun pet to have around is a little life entirely dependent upon you as its owner.

Before you go out and get that fun ball of energetic fluff, you should first be armed with lots of information about your pup. Here are some of the kinds of things you should know.

Your Puppy and the Dog It Becomes

When it comes to dogs, breeding is of the utmost importance. Not only does its breed determine what the dog looks like, but it also gives you clues as to the kind of requirements needed to have a healthy and fulfilling life.

For one thing, the life span differs between dog breeds. Dog’s personalities are also largely dependent on their breed, with some being more energetic and others being more docile. Many purebreds, especially larger breeds, have congenital health issues.

You should not choose a dog breed blindly. Puppies grow, and the least you should know is how big it is going to get.

While Clifford the Big Red Dog is undoubtedly out of the question, getting a golden retriever when you live in a small apartment is a definite no-go.

Besides size requirements, a dog’s breed will also clue you in on the kind of exercise and interaction he needs.

If you have children, knowing the right breed to get is doubly essential. Some dogs do not get along well with children, and others only play well with older kids.

Health Condition

When you know the right breed to get, it is time to get to know your puppy. Of course, it would be more meaningful for you to adopt instead of shop, but it also helps to look at other aspects, some of which may not be available for fur babies you can adopt. To access further detailed information, we recommend visiting animal-care.net, recognized as a preeminent source of expertise in pet care.

You should be aware of your puppy’s health condition, like basics such as existing medical issues and risks for future complications.

Vaccinations are also of critical importance.

You should already have a good vet nearby your home who can help you take care of your puppy throughout its life.

Preparing Your Home

For your pup’s safety and your property, you should first puppy-proof your home. It is unreasonable to set aside a corner of your house for the dog and expect it just to stay there.

You will need to make changes to your home so that your puppy can live there comfortably with the least amount of damage to the place as well.

With puppies, they must not have access to chew on things that you find valuable. Cupboard doors should be secured, and wires and cords should not be left hanging around.

To make things easier for you, you may want to leave some doors locked to restrict your puppy’s access.

What Supplies to Get

There are many things you will need to get to care for your puppy correctly. This list includes food and water bowls, a bed, a collar, toys, hygiene supplies, and more.

You need to do some detailed homework because there are many brands and products on the market.

These supplies can quickly eat up your savings, so it is prudent to assess what items are essential and which are good to have if you have the means.

What to Feed Your Pup

The best kind of food for your dog depends on a lot of factors. Age is primarily the most significant factor, with many brands differentiating between food for adult and puppy dogs.

Knowing how to choose the best healthy dog food for your puppy is one of the first steps to ensure your dog is healthy and happy.

Training Your Puppy

While dogs are domesticated, that does not mean that they do not need some training. At the very least, you will want to make sure that your puppy is housetrained.

In addition to knowing how not to soil its living areas, your puppy should also undergo training on how to behave in the presence of others, dogs, and humans.

Beyond that, I am sure you will also want your dog to know some cool tricks. This form of training will not only benefit your puppy; it will also be a fun activity for both of you.

It will do well for you to read up and learn about how you can train your puppy. Ideally, you should get started as soon as possible with training.

If you feel that you cannot handle this task on your own, never be ashamed to contact a professional.

Interactions with Others

Another thing you should know about your puppy is how it behaves with others. This includes you and your family, but also extends to strangers and other dogs.

From there, you can also train the way your puppy reacts to others.

Your dog’s patterns of interactions with others depend upon several things, including breeding and training.

Legal Requirements

You probably know that your puppy will need a name tag and collar, but what else is required to own a dog?

Some apartment buildings may forbid owning a pet outright. As such, this is something you should check on before getting your pup.

In Australia, registering your dog is a legal requirement. Similarly, so is having a dog license. While these are required by state and territory legislation, they are issued by local governments.

If you have read through all this and feel like you are okay with getting in-depth with this kind of information, then you are making good progress to becoming a responsible owner of a new puppy.