Home General Text to Include in Your Photobook

Text to Include in Your Photobook


Photobooks are mostly about using pictures to tell a story. However, you can use a photo bookmaker that allows you to include text with your photos.

A photobook can either include little text or a lot of text. Some people may include a passage with every picture or a passage for all the pictures.

A picture is supposed to be worth a thousand words but a few words next to one might add to the story. The following are the most common texts you will find included in photobooks:


You will regularly find pictures labeled in a photobook. It is especially so in a photobook without a specific theme.

The pictures in a photobook may cover a wide spectrum of issues, for example, an environmental photobook. Therefore, a label of the picture may help allude to what the picture is about, hence clarifying the issue.

However, the better the pictures, the less need there is to label them.


Another common type of writing you will find on a photobook is a caption. A caption is usually a brief title or illustration of the photo.

You can accomplish several goals with a picture caption in a photobook. One of them is to infuse humor into a picture which the right caption can do perfectly.

Another one is to elaborate a hidden or often missed part of a photograph to which you would like to call attention.

Most captioning is done in private photo books that are not meant to be sold commercially. On the other hand, some picture captions can make a photo book more appealing than before the captions.


Photobooks offer a unique opportunity to mix poems with pictures. There are many scenes that are accurately captured by beautiful poetry.

In this regard, you can use text in a photobook to embellish the picture. A poem that perfectly matches a picture is a rare thing of beauty, and many photo books can be made better with adequate poems.

However, the quote should not distract from the picture. The latter is the point of the photobook.


A quote can enhance a picture as well if it is appropriate. There are thousands of great quotes that can be used alongside pictures.

A quote is a great text to place in a photobook, as it does not take a lot of space. Most quotes only take one or two sentences so you do not have to minimize your pictures to accommodate the text.

Well Wishes

A photobook may also include well wishes to the recipients of the photobook. It is especially so for photobooks made to be sent to only friends and family.

Themed Messages

Every photo book has a theme. As an example, a football-themed photobook can have a text about each photo as it pertains to the game, the players, and the season.

There are many other types of text you can include in photobook pictures. You are only limited by your creativity,