Home Auto Common Car Parts that Need to be Replaced Frequently

Common Car Parts that Need to be Replaced Frequently


As we stood watching the technicians at Acura dealer Lancaster rolling our vehicle into their service area for a quick oil change and replacement of the oil filter our SUV, what came to our mind is which other common car parts would need to be replaced frequently. We decided to speak to their representative assigned to us and were appraised that there are several parts in a vehicle that need regular servicing and in some cases replacement. Some require replacement after a certain period of use to prevent any issues, while there are parts that need servicing after the vehicle is driven for a certain number of miles. Then there are parts that need replacement when wear and tear is observed or when we notice some performance degradation in a certain area. So here is what we learnt about the parts that need to be replaced frequently.

  1. Based on Miles Driven

The foremost in this category comes the Lube, Oil and Filter change. Popular opinion leans towards recommending changing theses every 3000 miles or every three months. However, most experienced auto technicians feel this is too frequent and suggest a coverage of above 7000 miles to 10000 miles before you go in for that change unless you keep experiencing engine overheating or heating up too quickly, which is one of the symptoms that tells you to go do that change and replace that oil filter too. Spark Plugs need replacing once in 20000 miles to keep your performance up. Tire balancing is another important service that should be done once every 3000 miles, Tire Rotation every 6000 miles and replacement done at least once every 45000 to 50000 miles. These being the most frequent, you have others such as the Coolant Flush and Transmission Flush that could be done once every 60000 miles or lesser if your car us used heavily. Brake pads too need replacement every 60000 to 80000 miles.

  1. Time Based

Car Batteries come first in this category. Not to be neglected, batteries need replacement at least once in 3 years, with stretching their use by another year taking your vehicle into the risk zone. Most of the information relayed in your vehicle, the headlights, power windows, power seats and safety features depend on the battery. Batteries near the end of their lifespan, which is 4 to 5 years tend to malfunction and put you in a spot.

  1. Based on Wear and Tear

Some parts that need replacement based on their wear and tear are the Wipers, Windshield. If you notice that your windshield is not clean enough after a swipe from the wiper or the wipers start leaving traces of water or solution you know its time to check the blades. The synthetic material used in the wiper blades often tends to become brittle and splits. This is because the wipers are exposed to the atmosphere almost always. Windshields need replacement when the cracks start running across or once you have a web or shock waves, especially those on the driver’s side causing a visual obstruction. The representative at Acura Lancaster reminded us that Driving with a chipped windshield is risky and an offence in some states.