Home Travel Paddle it to glory

Paddle it to glory


This summer, if you are up for any cycle expedition, then here are some following options Pedal for the Cyclotron and Walkathon in 2017: this will be happening on 25th of March and it will start at 6.30 AM in the morning. This entire event is organised by the Earth Hour India. One has to book tickets very soon to take part in this event. If you want to take peat on earth hour and bring in the super hero in you then this event is perfect for you. Take part and help the planet from the climate change and make a planet friendly choice and ask your friends and near ones to do the same. One needs to come and gather and then pedal for the planet. This event is not a new one and is in ring since 2009. Here everyone can contribute to the campaign and spread the message. You can actually dress up as an earth super hero and join the event. On the other hand you will be provided with an earth hour t shirt to make it more interesting. So gather all near the Lodhi Estate at 6.30 AM sharp to get your registration done and be on a roll.

Bhutan Cycling tour: this will start from 9th June at 1 AM. The event has been organised by the organisers named Explore Himalaya. Do you have a week to spare and take a break? Then this will be the perfect welcome break for you. You can explore the beautiful and mystical Bhutan by bikes and this is one of the most amazing experiences that you can have. Bhutan is a place from where you can get to see the exquisite Himalayas and apart from that, there are some lovely and colourful Bhutan monasteries which are a treat to your eyes. This place is a challenge if you want to visit it by a cycle but is definitely a fun too. This is one of the most rewarding experiences one can have and so one should definitely give it a try.

Nepal Cycling tour: this event is dated on 27th May and will start from 1 PM in the afternoon. His event is also organised by the Explore Himalaya. This is basically a 12 day trip to Nepal where the journey begins from and ends to Kathmandu. This has 9 days of full cycling and if one has interest in enrolling here, and then they have to be more than 16 years old. A group will consist maximum of 16 people and minimum of 6 people. Here one would get to know some offbeat tracks to visit Nepal and in the tour there will be an elephant back safari as well in the Chititwan National Park. Apart from that there will be ecstatic views if Himalayas and one can get to know the place by heart as they will cycle through the place and get in touch with local people.

So, enrol yourself for a new journey and enjoy it. Cycling in Delhi has a lot in store for you.